Press Releases

ACS Welcomes Tougher Rules for Energy Brokers

ACS has welcomed proposals from energy regulator Ofgem to stop the mis-selling of energy products by third party intermediaries to small businesses.

In its submission to Ofgem’s consultation on the regulation of third party intermediaries, ACS has welcomed plans to introduce a robust code of practice for TPIs and brokers which is supported by a licence condition on suppliers to only work with TPIs who are accredited to the code.

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Government Survey Reveals Extent of Shop Theft

The Crime Survey for England and Wales has revealed that there were over 313,000 incidents of shop theft in 2012-2013.

The figures, released this week by the Office of National Statistics show that in the 12 months to September 2013, there was a 4% increase in the level of shop theft. The number of incidents is the highest since 2008, despite the overall levels of crime in the survey falling by 15% over the last year.

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New Definitive Guide for Retailers on Preventing Underage Sales

Convenience retailers across England and Wales will be able to have a new confidence about the way to prevent underage sales, thanks to a new ‘Assured Advice’ guide from ACS.

The ACS (Association of Convenience Stores) ‘Assured Advice’ Guide to Preventing Underage Sales provides an easy to follow product-by-product guide, establishing a simple, common approach to adopting the right company policy, training and effective record keeping.

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ACS Calls for Urgent Rethink on Alcohol Licence Fee Proposals

ACS has today responded to the Government’s consultation on locally set licence fees, calling for an urgent rethink of the proposals which would allow Councils to set their own fees.

The consultation proposes options including:

  • allowing local authorities to set their own fees
  • changing the balance of revenue received by local authorities by:

increasing fees for processing new licences or changing existing licences; and

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Sentencing Council Recognises Victims of Shop Theft

ACS has welcomed the Sentencing Council’s Consultation on sentencing for Shop Theft offences and the retention of short custodial sentences.

ACS Chief Executive James Lowman, said: “Shop theft is one of the biggest operational challenges local shops face, with 70% of retailers having experienced shop theft in the last year. This is not a victimless crime, it has very serious implications for shop staff and a cumulative cost impact on the business.

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ACS Calls for Urgent Business Impact Assessment on Tobacco Plain Packs

ACS is calling on Government to undertake an urgent full assessment of wider impact of standardised packaging on businesses, following the statement by Public Health Minister, Jane Ellison, that they are publishing regulations to introduce plain packaging in the UK.

ACS has already written to the Department for Business highlighting the impact in terms of costs and operational burdens, and the threat that the policy will encourage more customers to engage with the illicit trade. A copy of the letter is available here.

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ACS Sets Out Opposition to Plans for Fee Paying Tobacco Register in Wales

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has made clear its intention to resist plans to impose a costly and unnecessary tobacco registration system in Wales. 

The proposal is to require all retailers selling tobacco in Wales to pay a £30 fee to register with their local authority and then pay a £20 re-registration fee every three years.

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Energy Market Review 'Long Overdue'

 ACS has welcomed a proposed investigation into the energy market, calling for action to make the market fairer and more competitive for local shops.

The announcement made today by energy regulator Ofgem is to recommend an investigation of the market by the Competition Markets Authority. Ofgem notes that profit increases and price rises have ‘intensified distrust’ of suppliers, and that an investigation is needed to consider whether the current state of the energy market acts as a barrier to competition.

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ACS Welcomes Home Office Decision on Personal Alcohol Licences

ACS has welcomed the Home Office's decision not to abolish personal alcohol licences.

In its response to the consultation, the Home Office noted that it has “listened to the views received in response to the consultation and in discussion with partners has decided not to proceed with the proposal to abolish the system of personal licences.”

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