Press Releases

ACS Calls on Low Pay Commission To Resist Politicised Minimum Wage

The Business Secretary has provided instructions to the Low Pay Commission setting the remit for its review and recommendations for the national minimum wage rates in 2015. In the remit the Minister has called for the Commission to ‘look at whether the economy is strong enough to support above inflation rises.’

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Government Urged to Reconsider Plan for Small Business Exemption from Carrier Bag Charge

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has urged Ministers to reconsider after they have dismissed calls from an influential Committee of MPs to apply a 5p charge to all shops in England that give out single use carrier bags

The Ministers set out their view in the response to the report of the Environmental Audit Committee of the House of Commons, which was published today.

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Forgotten Public Health Risk of Illegal Tobacco

ACS has called on Ministers and Public Health professionals to make tackling the illegal tobacco trade their number one priority. ACS’ comments come as a report by the Home Affairs Select Committee has revealed the scale of the illegal tobacco market and the resulting problems facing communities.

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Local Shops Call for a Universal Carrier Bag Charge for England

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has reiterated its call on ministers to press ahead with a 5p compulsory charge for single use carrier bags, amid reports that this will be included in today's Queens Speech.

ACS Public Affairs Director Shane Brennan said: "Compulsory carrier bag charging is a policy that works. It significantly reduces carrier bag usage, it saves retailers money and it generates money for good causes. We are pleased ministers are confirming their commitment to bring this in next year.

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Portas: Convenience is High Street Growth Driver

A report released today by Mary Portas three years on from her review of the high street has acknowledged the importance of convenience stores as driver of high street growth and the progressive work of the Future High Street Forum.

Commenting the change in consumer spending and move to convenience shopping Portas said “Since the economic downturn, careful consumers now prefer to buy little and often and do so in the shop around the corner rather than out of town sup

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ACS Welcomes Scotland's Plans to Introduce Carrier Bag Charges

Scottish Government has approved plans to introduce a mandatory 5p charge for almost all disposable carrier bags. The regulation will be introduced in Scotland from 20 October this year, after the Scottish Government yesterday approved plans to implement the levy. Currently around 750 million carrier bags are used in Scotland each year. The draft guidance for the regulations is available here.

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ACS: Local Shops Threatened by NMW Average Earnings Link

ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has warned that local shops would be threatened by Labour’s plans to link the National Minimum Wage to average earnings.

ACS Chief Executive, James Lowman, said: “We support the National Minimum Wage and the protection it provides to workers, but forcing large annual hikes in the minimum wage rate, in the way that the Labour Party proposals suggest, will threaten investment and prevent local shops from creating jobs.

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